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Can Stress Cause a Missed or Late Period?

Is it possible for stress to have an impact on your period? Is stress to blame for your irregular or non-existent menstrual cycle? Here’s how you can know whether you’re pregnant. It’s like peanut butter and jelly, in the worst possible manner. Worse, stress may cause your period and menstrual cycle to be delayed, making it more difficult to obtain

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Why You Might Have Irregular Periods

Irregular periods may be quite normal, so let’s get started. Let out a sigh of relief if you so choose. You have our sympathies.) For those of us whose periods arrive a week early, bleed severely, or never show up at all—we aren’t the only ones who experience this. Unexpectedly, irregular menstrual cycles are rather prevalent. Reproductive years, often known

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Menstrual Cramps – Causes and Treatments

Menstrual cramps are a common occurrence for women of childbearing age. For some of you, the cramps may be minor and just cause a little discomfort, while for others, they may be excruciatingly painful and interfere with almost every aspect of your life. Menstrual cramps may strike everyone who has a monthly cycle, and they can occur both before and

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Everything You Need to Know About PMS

It’s possible that you’re more depressed than normal. Perhaps your breasts are inflamed. Or maybe you’re battling with a chin breakout? We understand if this is all too familiar: You may be suffering from premenstrual syndrome (PMS), sometimes known as “The Worst.” PMS symptoms may manifest themselves in various ways throughout the week leading up to your period, but it’s

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Your First Period Guide: Age, Symptoms, Duration & More

If you’ve done your research to find out when to anticipate your first period and how to deal with it, you’ve done well. As puberty continues and your first period arrives, knowing what to anticipate and how to deal with it may help you feel more confident and less anxious! The information on this page will be helpful whether you’re

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